Alexa Skill - Daily Specials


This Case Study recounts my process of building an Alexa Skill for an imaginary restaurant. The skill enables users to hear a restaurant’s specials for that day.

The Case Study strives to display my understanding of the design principles for voice user interfaces, as well as the tools and practices commonly used in the discipline.


Context for Case Study

Nonna Rosa’s is a highly popular neighborhood restaurant, frequented largely by families. Most diners eat at the Italian restaurant now and again, but the especially-devoted report visiting several times a month.

Nonna Rosa’s wants to develop an Alexa skill to allow more means for accessing restaurant information. Diners who use Alexa welcome the skill so that they can be better informed about the beloved spot.

User Stories

I wrote several User Stories to determine what users might want from the restaurant’s Alexa skill:

As a commuter, I want the ability to ask about the restaurant’s hours, so I stop by on my way home from work

As a mother, I want to be able to place an order, so I can easily pick up my food later

As a diner, I want to make a reservation, so that my party and I are guaranteed a table

I selected the story that aligns with one of the most commonly requested questions for the restaurant. I decided to generate an MVP, advancing one story/ feature for this project and backlogging other features for a later time.

Chosen User Story.png



I created Proto-Personas, for both the users and the system.

With consideration for the restaurant’s popularity among families, I made Joseph. Joseph is a husband and father of three whose family visits the Italian eatery often.

Nonna Rosa—the restaurant’s namesake—is the System’s Proto-Persona. She is warm, friendly, and focused on delighting her customers.

The Tech-Savvy Regular


The Caring Hostess


Sample Dialogue

Following the Proto-Personas, I wrote Sample Dialogue to try to figure out the interactions that would take place within the skill.


I checked the dialogue to verify that it met certain criteria. Overall, I wanted digestible dialogue that moved a user towards their goal, while remaining consistent with the system’s persona.


Usability Testing

WOz Testing.jpeg

Usability Testing was conducted using Wizard of Oz testing. My participants and I roleplayed back-to-back, where I acted as the Voice Assistant.

In all, I performed tests with four participants.

The tests were conducted to validate the Sample Dialogue and ensure that users could navigate the paths I laid out in the dialogue.

I received positive feedback for the dialogue and users were easily able to accomplish the tasks set in front of them. I had the proverbial green light to proceed.


User Flows


I first created a visual to show the Top-line User Flow Hierarchy or the organizational hierarchy within the skill. Only the intents for the project’s feature were laid out.


Top-Line User Flow Hierarchy


Daily Specials Sample User Flow


I then drafted a user flow, with Sample Dialogue on the side, to match the flow.


I moved onwards and constructed the Nonna Rosa’s Alexa Skill using VoiceFlow.

By linking to Google Sheets, I could have the program pull and recite to the user a random adjective followed by the appropriate specials.

VoiceFlow Screenshot - Blurred PS.png

What resulted was a functioning Skill patrons could evoke to hear the specials of the day!


The Skill in Action - Prototype Testing


Tools used in Project:

Sketch, Lucidchart, Wizard of Oz Testing, VoiceFlow, Google Sheets, Amazon Alexa, Amazon Developer Console, Alexa Skills Kit


Finding an Expert


UI - Daily Challenges